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Championship - 24 òóð
KPRF-2  —  Dynamo
13.03.2020 - 17:00 5 : 1
Championship - 17 òóð
Dynamo  —  Delta
18.03.2020 - - : -
Championship - 26 òóð
Alga  —  Dynamo
28.03.2020 -  : 
Championship - 27 òóð
Dynamo  —  Orgkhim
04.04.2020 -  : 
Championship - 23 òóð
Dynamo  —  MFK Zarya
08.04.2020 -  : 
Championship - 28 òóð
MosPolytech  —  Dynamo
11.04.2020 -  : 
Championship - 29 òóð
Dynamo  —  Gazprom-Yugra
18.04.2020 -  : 
Championship - 30 òóð
LKS  —  Dynamo
25.04.2020 -  : 
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¹ Teams G P
1 Gazprom Burenie 23 59
2 KPRF-2 21 54
3 Orgkhim 21 54
4 Dynamo 21 40
5 Gazprom-Yugra-D 22 37
6 ALGA 21 34
7 LKS 21 33
8 Saratov-Volga 23 29
9 MosPolytech 22 27
10 Zarya 20 25
11 Delta 19 24
12 Severnaya Dvina 22 17
13 Lutch-GTS 23 12
14 Delovoy Partner 22 10
15 Krasnaya Gvardiya 21 10
  Detailed | Ñalendar
¹ Players M G P
1 Orlov Sergey 19 28 0
2 Rodin Denis 19 25 0
3 Poglazov Andrey 20 16 0
4 Grafskiy Andrey 19 14 0
5 Pogosyan Erik 16 10 0
  All players
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